Monthly Archives: July 2009


13i stole this caution sign from one of the science buildings on campus. it was late out and i was hanging out with two of my favorite boys.  i can’t wait until i move back into my dorm. :)
13_1i love wearing yellow, it always makes me feel somewhat happy no matter what mood i’m in. it’s just…a really sunny color…i guess. i’m going to flemington with one of my best friends later to shop. she needs business wear for an upcoming convention and i need a bag for my trip to europe. i’ve never been a bag person…ever. don’t get me wrong, i love bags, they’re cute, stylish, and make carrying things around VERY easy. i just…don’t like bags on me. i always use my pockets to carry my stuff around (or when robin was around i used his pockets ;) ). but now, finally, i’ve accepted the fact that i need a bag. i already lost my license once and money always finds a way of escaping my pockets. now if only i wasn’t so picky when it comes to bags.

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Filed under What I Wore: Jen


So, before work today, I made a quick run around the mall to shop for some things I need.  Judging by the fact that I’ve been shopping all summer, need doesn’t seem to be the right word to use.  But, I have neglected to get summer footwear…yes, I haven’t managed to get a pair of decent flipflops or gladiator sandals until now.  Also, with the popularity of these lariat necklaces and bright statement ones, I couldn’t help but pass up on the Buy 10 for $10 deal at Claire’s.
I promise some jewelry pictures soon, but for now, my new comfy shoes!

Nadia Ring Sling, $12.99

Nadia Ring Sling, $12.99

Skipper Canvas Fringe Sandal, $8.00

Skipper Canvas Fringe Sandal, $8.00

I took this picture several days ago, and thought to myself, if I wore this on a date, I’d scare my date away with all the romanticism in the outfit!  Anyway, here’s the pic!


ivory lace tie-back shirt [kohl’s – $5], rose crossback bubble dress [wetseal – $15], red patent belt [a’gaci – came with dress], metallic cutout platforms [target – $7]

Okay, so last part of this multi-function entry!  I was at work today when I realized we had so many more markdowns on handbags!  My mom really needs to retire her little shoulder-strap handbag that I bought for her when I was…12…that now only 12-year-0lds and my mom, carry.

It looks better in person, the material.

It looks better in person, the material.

In black and khaki, which color?

Similar to above, only different style.

Similar to above, only different style.

Also in Black and Khaki.

After weighing the Pros and Cons of each bag, which is really function vs. style – Bag 1 is a zipper-close while Bag 2 is a snap-close, Bag 2 looks more stylish than Bag 1.  Opinions?  (These handbags come to about $12.00 with my discount! :))


Filed under What I Wore: Phebe

Modern Threads

Do you love American Apparel or Alternative Apparel with a passion? Do you throw away hundreds of dollars buying their clothing or spend countless hours wishing you had the guts to throw away that kind of money to buy their clothing? THEN STOP SPENDING AND STOP WISHING because i have the perfect solution for you! :) modern_threads_screenshot

MODERN THREADS is an online apparel store that sells brand name clothing for less! Some of the brand names include American Apparel, Nike, Hanes, Alternative Apparel, Adidas, etc. I especially love this website because I love American Apparel but it’s pretty pricey for a college student.

They’re able to sell their clothes so cheap because all their clothing items are stored in-house, providing customers with faster and cheaper shipping costs! The only con I could find is you can’t find every single American Apparel item; they only sell a select few in select colors. It’s still worth checking out though!

(click screenshot for site)

Here are two examples of items offered by Modern Threads:

modern_threadsalways, jen


Filed under The Steal

My $5 Floral Dress

I got this dress about a year ago, and I absolutely loved it back then.  I mean, $5 for a Charlotte Russe chiffon floral dress that wasn’t completely repulsive was a pretty good buy, even with my bargain eye.  A year later, I’ve grown out of empire waists and babydoll clothes, and prefer some definition at the waist!  Wide belts are the only way to go when it comes to hiding that empire waist seam, so here was my attempt:

CIMG2807I look so awkward in this picture. =/

lavendar floral sweetheart dress [charlotte russe – $5], yellow geometric wide belt [5-7-9 – $5], hunter green mary jane heels [payless – $10]

I really should get some sleep soon. :P


Filed under What I Wore: Phebe

Que Pasa, New York?

14i absolutely love trips to the city, especially when the weather is nice. unfortunately the weather was sub-par. :( nevertheless i had fun with my good friend, rob. he’s not fond of pictures but luckily he was nice enough to take some pictures for me and even pose for quite a few. he makes for a pretty good model if i do say so myself! (he would kill me if i posted any of his shots). i wore my new brown crocodile sandals from urban outfitters (luckily i already broke them in from a day of working at delia’s). i should’ve chosen better shoes though since we ended up walking quite a few miles.

neither rob or i had brought umbrellas for this unpleasant weather (although the rain and wind were very very refreshing) so we bought a cheap black umbrella for only $5. as you can see from the above picture that umbrella didn’t hold up so well to the storm. rob cursed it out and threw it away when we got to the movie theater.  alas! another $5 wasted. i was perfectly happy with my free copy of The Onion as a source of protection.  he called me stubborn until i joined him under the umbrella ;)

why, oh why, do i have such chubby cheeks?

why, oh why, do i have such chubby cheeks?

mother and children :)

mother and children :)

14_1we were going to have a late dinner at the boathouse in central park but apparently places are harder to find when it’s dark out. but on the bright side i finally got one of those rare chances to go thrifting! i got an urban renewal vest for only $10! i have to admit though, the horse graphic on the back is pretty funky! i’ll have pictures eventually.

half burnout t-shirt urban outfitters
jeans delia*s
brown crocodile sandals urban outfitters

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Filed under What I Wore: Jen